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Featured Services

Practice Design & Installation

From consultation to installation. Get free quotations and CAD drawings on design, followed by a professional installation by our experienced, courteous and reliable team of fitters

Bespoke Reception Desks

High quality, modular, bespoke reception desks and counters, designed, built and installed by us to ensure you create a practical, safe and stylish work centre that complies with current legislation

Cabinetry Design & Build

Superior build quality, craftmanship, style and functionality combine to offer you an exceptional cabinetry range, built to last, and tailored to your exact requirements

Piped Gas & AGSS

For nearly 30 years we have installed piped medical gas systems, tailored specifically to the unique requirements of veterinary practices. Distinictly different to those of human medical installations. 

Piped Oxygen Concentrators

Reduce your gas bills by up to 90% with our oxygen concentrators, providing unlimited oxygen 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by extracting oxygen from the ambient air and producing a constant flow


After sales support is our top priority. We are determined to offer all customers exceptional after sales support by providing both in-house and on-site servicing, digital x-ray cover, rental autoclaves

Buyers Guides