If you have already read our article on ‘How to choose your multi-parameter monitor you will be aware of the key considerations for purchasing a new monitor, and the difference it can make having a monitor in practice that has all the capabilities for your everyday needs. For instance, when considering a multi-parameter, it is important to think about the range of parameters you wish to measure, the size of the monitor that fits your clinical environment, and the budget you have available.

Choosing a new multi-parameter is not a light undertaking. It will come with significant financial investment and will need to serve the practice well for several years to justify the cost. So, what makes the Lightning stand out from other multi-parameters in the industry?

As previously mentioned, we are all aware of the significant financial investment that is inevitable when purchasing a new multi-parameter. So, in the ideal situation, this monitor will last you for many years to come, justifying the cost. But we often cannot foresee future circumstances, such as practice expansion, or new patient specialisms. This is when monitors can show their expense, having to purchase new models, not because there is anything wrong with them, but because you have outgrown their capabilities.

The Lightning is designed to suit your practice needs now and grow along with them, with the ability to be retrofitted with extra parameters as, and when, you require them. If cost is an issue, you can select the basic parameters you require right now, and then purchase additional parameters as it becomes financially sensible to do so. And you do not need to worry about this weighing your exceptionally light and portable monitor down. These parameters are all internal fittings, which we will fit for you in-house. Most of the standard parameters do not require extra plug-in hardware.

Free, in-depth software.
Many multi-parameters have additional software packages you can purchase to assist you with recording, analysing, and storing data collected by the monitor. But most of these require a large investment on top of the original cost and will need costly updates. With the Lightning, not only is the software extremely advanced in its capabilities but it is also completely free, along with any future advancements or software updates, and it can be simply installed on any existing practice PC.

What can the software do?
The software consists of Vital Monitor and Vital Store. Vital Monitor is your live view of your patients’ parameters, which is completely customisable depending on how you like to work. Unlimited pre-sets allow each member of staff to have the screen set up to their individual preferences at the click of a button.

  • · Specific parameters can be made larger than others.
  • · Parameters can be added or removed.
  • · The trace colours can be changed.
  • · A trend line and live data are always visible for complete, overall assessment of your patient.
  • · In the instance of a drastic change in a parameter reading, you can log an event to go back and look at afterwards. This is particularly helpful for ECG readings, giving you time to treat the distressed patient, whilst still knowing you can refer to what was happening at that moment. This supplies you with invaluable data for a reduced time frame for diagnosis.
  • · Includes all the standard settings that most multi-parameters now have, like standard patient pre-sets.
  • · The alarm volume can be adjusted.
  • · The approach alarm – this is an extra alarm that can be activated. This ‘approach’ alarm changes the colours on the screen to signify that a parameter is nearing being out of range. This allows you to be more proactive with your care, starting to bring those parameters back into range before the alarm goes off.
  • · Connect to a PC through a cable or use the wireless module to view the live data on a large screen. The cable can be up to 15m long, and the Wi-Fi will travel up to 40m from the monitor, enabling you to view the patient’s vitals from a different room.
  • · When using the wireless module, up to 8 patients can be monitored simultaneously, which is ideal for large hospitals.
  • · Automatic anaesthetic monitoring charts – these do not take away from the manual charts that are logged by the vet nurse, but they can be sent directly to the patient record, provide a backup copy, and ensure complete accuracy. The Lightning monitor will run these charts automatically.

The other included software program, Vital Store, does exactly what it says on the tin, plus a whole lot more. This is the storage and retrieval system for VitalMonitor data collected from your patients. It allows you to store records and quickly recall them for review and analysis. It also allows you to quickly access patient information from any device connected to the software, giving you complete control over your patients' records. You can save and analyse the data in various ways.

  • · USB stick (ECG ONLY) is supplied with the monitor for direct download. This can then be imported into the software on your PC.
  • · Save directly to your PC or via your practice server. This not only makes it easy for you to add any data to your patients' records but also to share this data for referrals.
  • · Export traces to a PDF to attach to emails or send them directly via email with a software download file so they can view and use the software to assess the data you have sent across.

This software gives you a full diagnostic quality evaluation of your monitoring data, enabling you to do things such as:

    • · Bookmark events that you did not get a chance to log at the time.
    • · Take measurements of traces and compare traces against one another.
    • · Analyse up to 96 hours of recorded data
    • · Post-capture filtering - removing ECG interference for more accurate data.
    • · ECG review feature allows full measurement of the ECG waveform, along with mean heart rate and VVTi calculations.
    • · Complete record versatility allows you to add extra information once already recorded, edit information, log events, and highlight any important pieces of data.

Patient Specialisms.
Last but definitely not least, is the incredibly wide range of patient specialisms the Lightning can cover. Not just because of the monitor itself, but because of the vast array of veterinary-specific accessories that are readily available. Most veterinary multi-parameters are designed for the medical industry and adjusted for the veterinary market. The Lightning was designed by vets for use by vets, making it unique in its field. Its flexibility allows the Lightning to be used in a variety of clinical situations and environments.

  • · It can be used for Heart rates from 6bpm to 600bpm – ideal for even the smallest of patients, such as birds, and up to the larger patients with lower bpm.
  • · Pulse-ox ranges from just 18bpm up to 450bpm.
  • · The Lightning also offers Sidestream micro-sampling at just 50ml/min, which is the lowest vet sampling rate for monitoring very small animals, all the way down to just 250g.
  • · A dual-channel invasive blood pressure module allows simultaneous monitoring of two lines such as two arterial lines or an arterial line and a venous line.
  • · The dual-channel temperature module provides two temperature values, as well as the difference between the two readings
  • · Accessories range in size, from standard, to uniquely sized exotic attachments. Bespoke accessories can be made, such as extra-long cables and probes for getting to those larger animals, such as Elephants and Giraffes, perfect for zoo environments.

You can view the full list of specifications here.

When comparing the Lightning Multi-Parameter to other monitors in the industry, it really does go a step further in every available feature. Providing you with an all-encompassing, adaptable monitor that can grow with your practice needs for years to come.
The key takeaway is that the Lightning can be adapted for all veterinary needs and requirements, and with a lifetime of free software updates, you can be sure this multi-parameter will never go out of date or be left behind as your practice capabilities grow.